Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 47
Seasonal reproductive endothermy in tegu lizards
With some notable exceptions, small ectothermic vertebrates are incapable of endogenously sustaining a body temperature substantially above ambient temperature. This view was challenged by our observations of nighttime ...
Endothermy in the temperate scarab Cyclocephala signaticollis
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2018-07)
The increase in body temperature over that of the environment has been frequently reported in insects, in particular in relation with flight activity. Scarab beetles of the genus Cyclocephala living in tropical areas are ...
Quantitative Genetic Modeling of the Parental Care Hypothesis for the Evolution of Endothermy
There are two heuristic explanations proposed for the evolution of endothermy in vertebrates: a correlated response to selection for stable body temperatures, or as a correlated response to increased activity. Parental ...
Using new tools to solve an old problem: the evolution of endothermy in vertebrates
Thermal ecology of small animals
One of the most representative cases in which the relation individual-environment is evident is the heat exchange between animals and their physical environment. Based on the physical laws regulating heat exchange and on ...