Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 26369
End-to-end quality of service prediction based on functional regression
This work focuses on quality of service (QoS) estimation based on end-to-end active measurements. The main problem is to continuously monitor the QoS that will receive a multimedia application in a path between two agents ...
Probability-Based Design of Experiments for Batch Process Optimization with End-Point Specifications
(American Chemical Society, 2016-01)
Consistently complying with end-point specifications, mainly end-use product properties, is a key issue to thecompetitiveness of batch processes. To maximize in some way the probability of observing successful runs, a ...
The regional question in the second Vargas' administrationLa cuestión regional en el segundo gobierno VargasA questão regional no segundo governo Vargas
(Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas da Fundação Getulio Vargas, 1991)
Atividade de exporta????o do Nordeste e seu impacto end??geno
(UFBA/FCE, 2004)
Brazil and the end of the Paraguayan War: notes on military operations and diplomacy
(Ministerio Marinha, Serv Documentacao Geral Marinha, 2020-01-01)
This article presents some notes on the measures taken by Brazil in relation to the end of the military campaign against Paraguay, between 1868 and 1870. This moment is marked by the departure of Caxias, after the conquest ...
Colombia País de Regiones 1Región Noroccidental - Región Caribe
(Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular CINEP, 2016)
Colombia País de Regiones 1Región Noroccidental - Región Caribe
(Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular CINEP, 2016)
End-of-Life Care in Latin America
(American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2016)
Cancer has become a global pandemic with disproportionately higher mortality rates in low- and middle- income countries, where a large fraction of patients present in advanced stages and in need of end-of-life care. Globally, ...
(PALGRAVE, 2021)
This article reports on the findings obtained in the exploration of the evaluative potential of adverbs ending in-mente in a text about the recent history of Chile. The study is situated in the semantic-discursive stratum ...
Brazilian assessments of the end of the Cold War: new perspectives on regional conflict
(Routledge, 2011-04-01)