Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2221
Emotional education in teachers training: a key for school improvementEducación emocional en la formación docente: clave para la mejora escolar
(Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), 2017)
The mediating role of emotion regulation strategies in the relationship between family of origin violence and intimate partner violence
(Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 2022)
Conocer para resolver: la violencia conyugal en los hogares sonorenses
(El Colegio de Sonora, 2007)
Poverty and emotions: narratives on social policies and violence against women in Greater Buenos Aires
(Springer, 2021-11)
The multiple gazes of the qualitative approach locate in the narrations a meeting place and intersection between diferent disciplinary areas. With the focus on sociology, the narrative is the way in which the subjects ...
Abnormal emotional behavior in children and its relationship to televised violence
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Deconstructing “The Equalizer” Beyond A Balance of Terror: The Equaliser
During the Calypso season of 1998 a well-known calypsonian, Singing Sandra, presented her major offering for the year at Kaiso House; it was the calypso The Equaliser, which like her 1999 smash hit Voices from the Ghetto, ...
Relations among Romantic Myths, Offline Dating Violence Victimization and Cyber Dating Violence Victimization in Adolescents
Cyber dating violence is an increasing problem with serious negative consequences for adolescents. Further knowledge about related variables is necessary to develop preventive strategies. The aim of this study was to analyze ...
Why vulnerability matters. How masculinity, emotions and vulnerability are related to intimate partner violencePor qué la vulnerabilidad importa. La relación entre masculinidad, emociones y vulnerabilidad en el ejercicio de violencia contra las mujeres en la pareja
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022)