Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 445
Welcoming with risk classification in the Hospital Sao Paulo's emergency department
(Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Enfermagen, 2012-01-01)
Objective: Describe the implementation of the Welcoming with Risk Classification in the Hospital Sao Paulo's Emergency Department, as well as present its theoretical reference. The Protocol determines the waiting time for ...
Ocular emergencies presenting to an emergency department in Central Spain from 2013 to 2018
Purpose: To determine the frequency of ocular conditions among patients presenting to an emergency department at a tertiary hospital in Spain. Methods: A retrospective, longitudinal analysis of all patients who presented ...
Evaluation of a Diagnostic Decision Support System for the Triage of Patients in a Hospital Emergency Department
One of the biggest challenges for the management of the emergency department (ED) is to expedite the management of patients since their arrival for those with low priority pathologies selected by the classification systems, ...
Emergency department readmission risk prediction: A case study in Chile
(Springer Verlag, 2017)
Short time readmission prediction in Emergency Depart-ments (ED) is a valuable tool to improve both the ED managementand the healthcare quality. It helps identifying patients requiring fur-ther post-discharge attention ...
Utilidad predictiva de mortalidad de la escala rápida de emergencias (REMS) en un Hospital de alta complejidad.
(Sociedad de Cirugía de Bogotá, Hospital de San José y Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud, 2018-08-15)
Neural and statistical predictors for time to readmission in emergency departments: A case study
(Elsevier B.V., 2019)
© 2019 The prediction of readmissions in the healthcare system, i.e. patients that are discharged and come back in a short interval of time, has taken great importance as readmissions have been taken as a measure of the ...
Validation of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS)-2 for adults in the emergency department in a tertiary-level clinic in Colombia Cohort studyValidación del Puntaje Nacional de Alerta Temprana (NEWS)-2 para adultos en el servicio de urgencias de una clínica de tercer nivel en Colombia
(Medicine, 2021)
The National Early Warning Score (NEWS)-2 is an early warning scale that is used in emergency departments to identify patients at risk of clinical deterioration and to help establish rapid and timely management. The objective ...
Comparación de cuatro escalas de riesgo en pacientes que consultaron por síncope al servicio de urgencias
(Universidad del RosarioEspecialización en Medicina de EmergenciasFacultad de Medicina, 2014)
Introduction: Syncope is a common complaint in the emergency
department, defining the proper studies and destination of these patients
is still a matter of debate. There have been various tools designed to
help establish ...