Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 61
Direct profiling of polarization fields in nitride semiconductors at nanometric scale using electron holography in the transmission electron microscope
(Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, 2019)
Direct profiling of polarization fields in nitride semiconductors at nanometric scale using electron holography in the transmission electron microscope
(Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, 2019)
Photoelectron holography of atomic targets
(American Physical Society, 2019-01)
We study the spatial interference effects appearing during the ionization of atoms (H, He, Ne, and Ar) by few-cycle laser pulses using single-electron ab initio calculations. The spatial interference is the result of the ...
Proposal for underwater structural analysis using the techniques of ESPI and digital holography
The purpose of this article is to study the application of the holographic interferometry techniques in the structural analysis of submarine environment. These techniques are widely used today, with applications in many ...
Use Of Specklegrams Background Terms For Speckle Photography Combined With Phase-shifting Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry
Probing holographic flat bands at finite density
Flat band electronic systems exhibit a rich landscape of correlation-driven phases, both at the charge neutrality and finite electronic density, featuring exotic electromagnetic and thermodynamic responses. Motivated by ...