Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 936
Failure Probability Metric by Machine Learning for Online Risk Assessment in Distribution Networks
(Ieee, 2017-01-01)
The risk assessment approach is useful for monitoring and supervisory control because it provides distribution operator with the capability to quantify the tradeoff between reliability and economic performance. The risk ...
Failure probability metric by machine learning for online risk assessment in distribution networks
The risk assessment approach is useful for monitoring and supervisory control because it provides distribution operator with the capability to quantify the tradeoff between reliability and economic performance. The risk ...
Monitoramento de interrupções no fornecimento de energia elétrica
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáPonta GrossaBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de EletrônicaTecnologia em Automação IndustrialUTFPR, 2015-07-16)
The objective of this study is to conduct a study regarding the monitoring of interruptions in electricity supply, enabling us to remotely monitor these interruptions. Initially we will see the data used for this work and ...
Estudo para aplicação de indicadores de falta em redes de distribuição
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilAutomação IndustrialUTFPR, 2019-11-22)
Restoring energy quickly is essential for reducing DEC and FEC rates that are assessed using indicators established by ANEEL, many emergency events such as tree branch contact, weather events, collision damage to network ...
Remedial action scheme to improve resiliency under failures in the central american power grid
(Elsevier, Academic Press, 2022)
Remedial action schemes (RAS), also known as special protection systems (SPS), have been widely used to provide protection for power systems
against problems not directly involving specific equipment fault protection
(WECC, ...
Impacto das inovações tecnológicas para detecção e localização de faltas a partir das subestações
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilGraduação em Engenharia ElétricaUTFPR, 2017-11-24)
The recently released draft for the network procedures, in which it is shown an increase in the amount of technologies required for future expansions of the Brazilian power grid, is the main motivation for this research. ...
Enhanced health index for power transformers diagnosis
Power Transformers (PTs) failures in electrical networks cause significant expenses for power utilities, making the use of assessment techniques essential to efficiently diagnose and estimate the actual operating conditions ...
Análise de falhas e defeitos nos transformadores de potência e seus dispositivos
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaDepartamento Acadêmico de Eletrotécnica, 2014-07-25)
The purpose of this Completion of Course Work was study and analyzes the faults and defects of power transformers occurring in the electrical system of a certain electric energy company, aiming to contribute to improvements ...
Detección de corte de energía trifásica
RESUMEN: Este trabajo trata acerca de un sistema que se generó para determinar la causa origen de la falla de alimentación eléctrica, que en este caso se aplica a una radiobase, pero puede aplicarse a cualquier dispositivo, ...