Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1815
One-port nonlinear electric circuit for simulating grounding systems under impulse current
(Elsevier B.V., 2016-01-01)
A one-port nonlinear electric circuit to simulate grounding systems behaviors under high impulse currents is presented. The circuit is based on Loboda's and Pochanke's equations, which describe nonlinear behaviors of soil ...
Static converter: didactic support software
Teaching a course of special electric loads in a continuing education program to power engineers is a difficult task because they are not familiarized with switching topology circuits. Normally, in a typical program, many ...
On designing linearly tunable high-Q OTA-C filters with low sensitivity
This paper discusses a design approach for a high-Q low-sensitivity OTA-C biquad bandpass section. An optimal relationship is established between transconductances defining the differenceβ - γ in the Q-factor denominator, ...
On designing linearly tunable high-Q OTA-C filters with low sensitivity
This paper discusses a design approach for a high-Q low-sensitivity OTA-C biquad bandpass section. An optimal relationship is established between transconductances defining the differenceβ - γ in the Q-factor denominator, ...
Electric power systems transient stability analysis by neural networks
This work aims to investigate the use of artificial neural networks in the analysis of the transient stability of Electric Power Systems (determination of critical clearing time for short-circuit faults type with electric ...
Exploring Undergraduate Students' Computational Modeling Abilities and Conceptual Understanding of Electric Circuits
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018-08-01)
Contribution: This paper adds to existing literature on teaching basic concepts of electricity using computer-based instruction; findings suggest that students can develop an accurate understanding of electric circuits ...
Asymmetrical magnetization in three-phase core type transformers
The performance of the three-phase core type transformers, under AC/DC double excitation is discussed in this work. It is presented a mathematical model that considers the mutual coupling between phases and the magnetic ...
Influence of double excitation AC/DC in the reactive power demand of 3-phase transformers
(IEEE, 1999-12-01)
In this work it is discussed the performance of the reactive power demand in three-leg transformer core and three-phase transformer bank, under different conditions of AC/DC double excitation. In order to analyse the ...
Static converter: didactic support software
Teaching a course of special electric loads in a continuing education program to power engineers is a difficult task because they are not familiarized with switching topology circuits. Normally, in a typical program, many ...