Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 24
The Effect of Cigarette Smoke Exposure Time Difference on the Histopathological Images of Mice Lungs (Mus musculus)
(Academia Nacional de Medicina venezolana., 2022)
Compostagem em reatores de tabaco de cigarros contrabandeados e lodo de ETE industrial: estudo da estabilidade e maturidade por meio de parâmetros físico-químicos, biológicos e espectroscópicos
(Universidade Estadual de Ponta GrossaBrasilDepartamento de QuímicaPrograma Associado de Pós-Graduação em Química - DoutoradoUEPG, 2019)
Alarme sonoro e luminoso para dispositivo de retenção para o transporte de crianças em veículos
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáMedianeiraBrasilTecnologia em Manutenção IndustrialUTFPR, 2016-12-01)
After becoming aware of several cases reported in the media of people who forgot children inside vehicles and that because many of them died, it was searched to develop a system that at least caught the attention of the ...
The alteration of neonatal raphe neurons by prenatal-perinatal nicotine. Meaning for sudden infant death syndrome
(American Thoracic Society, 2015)
Nicotine may link maternal cigarette smoking with respiratory dysfunctions in sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Prenatal-perinatal nicotine exposure blunts ventilatory responses to hypercapnia and reduces central ...
The alteration of neonatal raphe neurons by prenatal-perinatal nicotine. Meaning for sudden infant death syndrome
(American Thoracic Society, 2015)
Nicotine may link maternal cigarette smoking with respiratory dysfunctions in sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Prenatal-perinatal nicotine exposure blunts ventilatory responses to hypercapnia and reduces central ...
The Alteration of Neonatal Raphe Neurons by Prenatal- Perinatal Nicotine Meaning for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
(Amer. Thoracic. Soc., 2015)
Nicotine may link maternal cigarette smoking with respiratory dysfunctions in sudden infant death
syndrome (SIDS). Prenatal-perinatal nicotine exposure blunts ventilatory responses to hypercapnia
and reduces central ...
Reingeniería del sistema de aire comprimido para planta de secundario de tabacalera hondureña, s. a.
(Universidad Tecnológica Centroaméricana UNITEC, 2022)
Reingeniería del sistema de aire comprimido para planta de secundario de tabacalera hondureña, s. a.
(Universidad Tecnológica Centroaméricana UNITEC, 2022)
Reingeniería del sistema de aire comprimido para planta de secundario de tabacalera hondureña, s. a.
(Universidad Tecnológica Centroaméricana UNITEC, 2023)
Estudo do conhecimento prévio da educação ambiental no complexo prisional de Pinheiros-SP
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáMedianeiraBrasilEspecialização em Ensino de CiênciasUTFPR, 2015-11-28)
This work had as its subject the implementation of environmental education in the classroom of Presidio, whose purpose was to mitigate aspects inherent in the current environmental issue in the State of São Paulo, namely, ...