Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 70
Multivariate reconstruction of functional networks from cortical sources dynamics in MEG/EEG
In this paper, we present a simple method to find networks of time-correlated brain sources, using a singular value decomposition (SVD) analysis of the source matrix estimated after any linear distributed inverse problem ...
Classification methods for ongoing EEG and MEG signals
(Sociedad de Biología de Chile, 2007)
Multivariate reconstruction of functional networks from cortical sources dynamics in meg/eeg
Reconstructing anatomy from electro-physiological data
(Academic Press Inc., 2017)
© 2017 Here we show how it is possible to make estimates of brain structure based on MEG data. We do this by reconstructing functional estimates onto distorted cortical manifolds parameterised in terms of their spherical ...
Reconstructing anatomy from electro physiological data
(Elsevier, 2017)
Here we show how it is possible to make estimates of brain structure based on MEG data. We do this by reconstructing functional estimates onto distorted cortical manifolds parameterised in terms of their spherical harmonics. ...
Efeitos da acupuntura na din??mica eletrofisiol??gica cerebral: revis??o sistem??tica.
(Faculdade de Medicina da UFBAFMBbrasil, 2017-06-07)
Efeitos da acupuntura na din??mica eletrofisiol??gica cerebral: revis??o sistem??tica
(Faculdade de Medicina da UFBAFMBbrasil, 2017-07-27)
Imágenes del cerebro basadas en algoritmos Bayesianos para problemas inversos mal condicionados MEG/EEG
La reconstrucción de actividad neuronal con datos EEG/MEG es un problema mal condicionado y sujeto a incertidumbre. En este documento de tesis se presenta un análisis de las técnicas Bayesianas utilizadas para resolver el ...