Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2846
Categorías de trabajo en edición de textos: breve experiencia con publicaciones cubanas y extranjeras
The article investigates, through a representative sample of literary editions, the typologies active in editorial practice from the point of view of three categories: high complexity editions, medium complexity editions ...
Edición y crítica textual
(Feijóo, 2020)
Cuban literature does not exhibit a long or very diverse tradition in textual criticism, but it has contributed novel experiences that will one day establish a Cuban school of critical publishing. This is proven by this ...
Relación editor-texto-autor y transformaciones textuales en la edición de textos literarios
Based on an in-depth investigation that analyzed the transformation processes suffered by professionally edited texts, this article provides an important set of principles around the editor-text-author relationship in ...
Edición y adaptación en la comunicación literaria : la mortal algarabía
(Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2018)
Praxis editorial y lengua española
(Feijóo, 2020)
Many centuries after a theory of textual criticism or textology was systematized, which supports the work of critical publishing and is known as ecdotic, the title Praxis editorial y lengua española is directed towards a ...
Utilidad en Cuba de una investigación en torno a las erratas editoriales
The article takes the case of the Cuban publishing system, with a long history and sufficiently consolidated, to demonstrate the relevance of carrying out systematized studies of a linguistic-editorial nature in the ...
Del editor en medio del camino de evolución de la lengua española
The article analyzes particular cases in which an active relationship is required, against the concept of ghost publishing, in literary works in the Spanish language, based on phenomena that occur regularly in the processes. ...