Now showing items 1-10 of 156544
Categorías de trabajo en edición de textos: breve experiencia con publicaciones cubanas y extranjeras
The article investigates, through a representative sample of literary editions, the typologies active in editorial practice from the point of view of three categories: high complexity editions, medium complexity editions ...
Guía: Normas APA Séptima 7.ª Edición 2020
(Universidad de La Salle. Dirección de Bibliotecas, 2021)
Guía para la presentación de trabajos escritos en formato APA
(Universidad de La Salle. Dirección de Bibliotecas, 2020)
Teorizaciones fundamentales en torno a la edición anotada o comentada de textos
(Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, 2018)
Edición y crítica textual
(Feijóo, 2020)
Cuban literature does not exhibit a long or very diverse tradition in textual criticism, but it has contributed novel experiences that will one day establish a Cuban school of critical publishing. This is proven by this ...
Praxis editorial y lengua española. Introducción a una teoría de la edición ordinaria
The article summarizes the fundamental contributions of a linguistic-editorial research that, after studying the problems of textual quality in professional editions, and correlating them with the factors and processes of ...
Relación editor-texto-autor y transformaciones textuales en la edición de textos literarios
Based on an in-depth investigation that analyzed the transformation processes suffered by professionally edited texts, this article provides an important set of principles around the editor-text-author relationship in ...
De Villaverde a Carpentier: una ruta para la edición crítica en Cuba
The article makes a historical approach to the process of critical editions made in Cuba between the 19th and 21st centuries, with a characterization of the cases and the determination of the fundamental features of textual ...