Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 18
Platyrrhine Ecophylogenetics in Space and Time
(Springer, 2009)
New World Monkeys (NWM) evolved not in a monolithic South America, but within and around at least four now distinct regions, the Amazonian, Atlantic, Patagonian and Caribbean provinces. Large-scale features of the continent, ...
Phylogenetic signal and major ecological shifts in the ecomorphological structure of stream fish in two river basins in Brazil
(Soc Brasileira Ictiologia, 2015-01-01)
We tested the contribution of the phylogenetic and specific components to the ecomorphological structure of stream fish from the upper Paraguai River and upper Sao Francisco River basins, and identified nodes in the ...
Biogeography and ecophylogenetics of atlantic forest snakes
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019-03-25)
A Mata Atlântica da América do sul é um mosaico de diferentes fitofisionomias, relacionadas a pressões seletivas correspondentes a fatores ecológicos e evolutivos distintos, os quais regulam a distribuição da biodiversidade ...
Phylogenetic signal and major ecological shifts in the ecomorphological structure of stream fish in two river basins in Brazil
(Soc Brasileira Ictiologia, 2015)
Phylogenies and traits provide distinct insights about the historical and contemporary assembly of aquatic insect communities
The assumption that traits and phylogenies can be used as proxies of species niche has faced criticisms. Evidence suggested that phylogenic relatedness is a weak proxy of trait similarity. Moreover, different processes can ...
Phylogenetic clustering among aggressive competitors: evidence from odonate assemblages along a riverine gradient
Studies on phylogenetic community ecology usually infer habitat filtering when communities are phylogenetically clustered or competitive exclusion when communities are overdispersed. This logic is based on strong competition ...
Phylogenetic signal and major ecological shifts in the ecomorphological structure of stream fish in two river basins in Brazil
(Soc Brasileira Ictiologia, 2015)
Stream fishes in a tropical agricultural landscape: influence of environmental features at different spatial scales on multiple facets of biodiversity
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016-09-30)
Contexto. Em riachos neotropicais, poucos estudos têm considerado os efeitos de variáveis ambientais em diferentes escalas espaciais sobre a ictiofauna. Além disso, estudos relacionados com a escala em sua maioria incorporam ...
Stream fishes in a tropical agricultural landscape: influence of environmental features at different spatial scales on multiple facets of biodiversityPeixes de riacho em uma paisagem agrícola tropical: influência de características ambientais em diferentes escalas espaciais sobre múltiplas facetas da biodiversidade
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016)