Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 13499
Ghana's Economic and Agricultural Transformation : Past Performance and Future Prospects
Many African countries have experienced unprecedented rates of economic growth in recent years, yet their economic transformations display features that could constrain their future growth prospects. Particularly troublesome ...
Subjective lives and economic transformations in Mongolia : Life in the gap
It had been three years since I was last in Mongolia, and things felt unfamiliar. The skyline was crowded by new buildings. Fashion styles had
diversified. Shops and restaurants proliferated. There was also a new
kind ...
Manufacturing Transformation: Comparative Studies of Industrial Development in Africa and Emerging Asia
While it is possible for economies to grow based on abundant land or natural resources, more often structural change—the shift of resources from low-productivity to high-productivity sectors—is the key driver of economic ...
Assessment of landscape transformation in protected areas
(Elsevier Inc., 2021-01)
Mountain protected landscapes continuously endure conflicts of appropriation that bear inherent transformations. One type of direct intervention is by Commercial Concessions within these areas, affecting their landscape ...
The mission: human capital transmission, economic persistence and culture in South America
This article examines the long-term consequences of a historical human capital intervention. The Jesuit order founded religious missions amongst the Guarani, in modern-day Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. Before their ...
The Informal sector and economic transformation in India
(Universidad del Rosario. Facultad de Economía, 2018)
In the literature on development and modernization, it has been expected that with economic growth and a consequent increase in per capita income, the dualism between the formal and informal ...
Assessment of landscape transformation in protected areas