Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 23705
Chilean Regional Strategies in Response to Economic Liberalization
The article analyzes the foreign investment decision as a response to the economic liberalization in Chile, using data obtained from a survey of 102 managers I argue that the knowledge on strategies in response to reforms ...
The social responsability of the university. The experience of the Welfare Departament, of the Faculty of Economics, University of Buenos Aires
(Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Programa de Posgrado en Administración, 2012-06-19)
The article reflects on the social responsibility of the organizations, especially in public university institutions understood as socially responsible. Considering the social responsibility of universities as a key player ...
In sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth?: Economic crises and CSR change management in difficult times
(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2018-01-01)
Purpose Economic crises and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives are two issues that dominate the modern business agenda. Although related, these issues have been analysed separately, and so a significant gap ...
The politics of the total market, its theology and our response
(EPICA Task Force, 2020)
Responsible Business: A Textbook for Theory; Practice and ChangeChapter 1. Framing Responsible Business: History and the State of the Planet
(Editorial Digital del Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2017)