Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2493
The partnership between an entrepreneurship support agency and an association: From conception to integration in fair trade
This article describes the partnership between the Agency for Entrepreneurship and Small Business - SEBRAE/Santa Catarina - and the organization Toca Tapetes, discussing the process of inserting the organization Toca ...
Who are China's strategic economic partners in South America?
(Emerald Group Publishing, 2020)
Purpose The purpose of this article is to discuss the characteristics of China's strategic partners in Latin America, emphasizing the foreign policy orientations of these nations towards China. Design/methodology/approach ...
Does the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership cause trade creation and trade diversion?
(Universidad del Zulia, 2020)
Competition and co-operation in the semi-periphery: closer economic partnership and sectoral transformations in Chile and New Zealand
(WILEY, 2007)
The signing of a strategic economic partnership (the Trans-Pacific SEP or P4) between Chile, New Zealand, Singapore and Brunei Darussalam in 2005 reveals the emergence of a new generation of trade agreements that seek to ...
Risk Sharing Partnerships With Suppliers: The Case of EMBRAER
(Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2014)
CEFACT: an international private/public sector partnership
(ECLAC, 1998-07)
The Centre for the Facilitation of Procedures and Practices in Administration, Commerce and Transport (CEFACT) constitutes a partnership between the public and private sectors for their mutual benefit. For the private ...
Does policy enhance collaborative-opportunistic behaviours? Looking into the intellectual capital dynamics of subsidized industry–university partnerships
Design/methodology/approach: By combining two sources of information about 683 Mexican subsidised industry-university partnerships from 2009 to 2016, this study adopted the structural equation modelling (SEM) to analyse ...
Latin American Economic Outlook 2016: Towards a new Partnership with China
(ECLAC, 2015-12)
The Latin American Economic Outlook analyses issues related to Latin America’s economic and social development. Ever since the first edition was launched at the 17th Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government ...
Parcerias para o desenvolvimento produtivo: uma proposta de monitoramento estratégicoProductive development partnerships: a strategic monitoring proposal
(Centro Brasileiro de Estudos de Saúde, 2020)