Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1060
Estimating the impact of earthquake-induced power outages on different economic sectors in Chile
The damage induced by strong earthquakes on the components of Electric Power Networks (EPNs) can seriously compromise the ability of these systems to generate and distribute electric power to final users and to interconnected ...
Measuring global economic interdependence: a hierarchical network approach
(Wiley, 2013-07)
This paper investigates the business cycle co-movement across countries and regions since 1950 as a measure for quantifying the economic interdependence in the ongoing globalisation process. Our methodological approach is ...
Political effects of economic interdependence among South American members of the Alliance of the PacificLa Alianza del Pacífico y los efectos políticos de la interdependencia económica
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017)
An analysis of contagion among Asian countries using the canonical model of contagion
(Elsevier Science IncNew YorkEUA, 2013)
Interdependence of smallholders' net market positions in mixed crop-livestock systems of Ethiopian highlands
(Academic Journalshttps://academicjournals.org/journal/JDAE/article-abstract/0CB27629454, 2013)
Varios autores, Structural Interdependence and Economic Development
(Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2011)
Strategic equilibria in a model of economic growth with input interdependence
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2012-10)
Two countries face a strategic interdependence in producing intermediate goods. Producing these intermediate goods requires both domestic capital and another imported intermediate good. Individually, both economies determine ...
La Alianza del Pacífico y los efectos políticos de la interdependencia económicaPolitical effects of economic interdependence among South American members of the Alliance of the Pacific
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2017)