Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 11127
Assessing the ecological condition of streams in a southeastern Brazilian basin using a probalilistic monitoring design
(Springer International Publishing, 2015)
Larval development of the red crab Pleuroncodes monodon (Decapoda Anomura: Galatheidae) under laboratory conditions
(Springer-Verlag, 1971)
Larvae of Pleuroncodes monodon (Milne-Edwards, 1837), a red crab of commercial importance in South America, were reared in the laboratory at 2 different temperatures (15° and 20°C), from hatching up to the last larval ...
Rewilding ecological communities and rewiring ecological networks
Rewilding encompasses management actions such as reintroductions and translocations with the purpose of restoring ecological processes and ecosystem functions that were lost when species were locally extirpated. The success ...
Shifting gears for the use of the shifting baseline syndrome in ecological restoration
(MDPI AG, 2019)
There are two barriers to accomplishing restoration of ecosystems: insufficient information about historical baselines to guide restoration, and shifts between the actual baselines and perceptions about historical conditions. ...