Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1614
Identifying Inflated Super-Earths and Photo-evaporated Cores
We present empirical evidence, supported by a planet formation model, to show that the curve approximates the location of the so-called photo-evaporation valley. Planets below that curve are likely to have experienced ...
Migration-driven diversity of super-Earth compositions
A leading model for the origin of super-Earths proposes that planetary embryos migrate inward and pile up on close-in orbits. As large embryos are thought to preferentially form beyond the snowline, this naively predicts ...
Rocky super-Earths or waterworlds: The interplay of planet migration, pebble accretion, and disc evolution
Recent observations have found a valley in the size distribution of close-in super-Earths that is interpreted as a signpost that close-in super-Earths are mostly rocky in composition. However, new models predict that ...
Formation of planetary systems by pebble accretion and migration: How the radial pebble flux determines a terrestrial-planet or super-Earth growth mode
Super-Earths - planets with sizes between the Earth and Neptune - are found in tighter orbits than that of the Earth around more than one third of main sequence stars. It has been proposed that super-Earths are scaled-up ...
A compound model for the origin of Earth's water
One of the most important subjects of debate in the formation of the solar system is the origin of Earth's water. Comets have long been considered as the most likely source of the delivery of water to Earth. However, ...
A compound model for the origin of Earth's water
One of the most important subjects of debate in the formation of the solar system is the origin of Earth's water. Comets have long been considered as the most likely source of the delivery of water to Earth. However, ...
The orbital structure of the asteroid belt holds a record of the solar system's dynamical history. The current belt only contains ∼10-3 Earth masses yet the asteroids' orbits are dynamically excited, with a large spread ...
Formation of planetary systems by pebble accretion and migration: Hot super-Earth systems from breaking compact resonant chains
At least 30% of main sequence stars host planets with sizes of between 1 and 4 Earth radii and orbital periods of less than 100 days.We use N-body simulations including a model for gas-assisted pebble accretion and disk–planet ...
Migrating Jupiter up to the habitable zone: Earth-like planet formation and water delivery
(EDP Sciences, 2017-08)
Context. Several observational works have shown the existence of Jupiter-mass planets covering a wide range of semi-major axes around Sun-like stars. Aims. We aim to analyse the planetary formation processes around Sun-like ...