Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 86
A New Method of Human Burial during the Early Pottery Period in the Valdivian Basin: The Archaeological Site Siete Manzanos (Neuquen, Patagonia, Argentina)
Pottery of the early second millennium in Yocavil. The "San José problem" and the ceramic typologiesLa alfarería de inicios del segundo milenio en Yocavil. El "problema San José" y las tipologías cerámicas
(Instituto de Arqueología, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2014)
Phytomorphic Representations of Latua pubiflora on Copper Ornamental Artifacts in South-Central Chile c. 1000 BP
Studying technological practices at a local level: neutron activation and petropgraphic analyses of early ceramic period pottery in central Chile
(University of Oxford, 2013)
We discuss neutron activation and petrographic analyses of domestic ceramics and some raw
materials from five archaeological sites in the Valdivia de Paine locality, in Central Chile.
During the time period studied, the ...
Small tombs on the hill: contributions to the knowledge of the early pottery period in the valley of mauro (31 degrees s) from the funebria
(Universidad Católica del Norte, 2017)
MAU085 is an important settlement in the southern section of the Chilean northern semi-arid. Amongst the occupations identified at the site, an Early Ceramic component dated between 1110-740 BP stands out; this component ...
Jaguars again. Considerations on the feline theme in ceramic iconography from the Late Period in Yocavil (north-western Argentina)Jaguars again. Considerations on the feline theme in ceramic iconography from the Late Period in Yocavil (north-western Argentina)
(Universidad Católica del Norte, Instituto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Museo, 2017)
Production and distribution of early colonial pottery in the Central Andes: Models and casesProducción y distribución alfarera colonial temprana en los Andes centrales: modelos y casos
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2016)