Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 272
Transregional and Regional Elites – Connecting the Early Islamic Empire
To integrate the regions of the early Islamic Empire from Central Asia to North Africa, transregional and regional elites of various backgrounds were essential. The papers analyze elite groups, their structures and networks, ...
Ziaul Haque. Landlord and peasant in early islam, islamic. Islamabad-Pakistán : Research Institute, 1977. 409 p.
(El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios de Asia y África, 2012)
Recita, em nome do teu senhor: as raízes judaico-cristãs do movimento proto-islâmico e os profetismos na Península Arábica (séc. VII E.C.)
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2017-03-31)
This text's main purpose is to contribute to the understanding of the emergence of Muhammad's prophetic movement on 7th century Arabia through its relation with the JudeoChristian communities and cultures at the peninsula. ...
The mediterranean as a “rhetorical community”: Prologue paratexts and early arab-islamic historiography [El Mediterráneo como “comunidad retórica”: Los paratextos prologales y la temprana historiografía árabo-islámica].
This paper proposes a way to study the prologue paratexts, which have not been worked as a whole in the case of Arab-Islamic historiography. The aim is to study the paratexts themselves, but also in relation to the analysis ...
El discurso anti-islámico castellano: de disputa teológica a cimiento del proyecto universalista carolino (1460-1530)The anti-Islamic Castilian discourse: From theological dispute to the foundation of the Carolino universalist project (1460-1530)
(Brill Academic Publishers, 2019-07)
From a comparative perspective, I will study two anti-Islamic Castilian writings produced during the period of the transition between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era: Alonso de Espina’s Fortalitium fidei (1460) ...
Formas de adhesión al Islam en Argentina: conversión, tradición, elección, reasunción y tránsito intra-islámicoForms of adhesion to Islam in Argentina: conversion, tradition, choice, return to religion and intra-Islamic transit
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, 2015-04)
En Argentina, como en otros países de América Latina, el Islam llega como religión de inmigrantes, principalmente sirios y libaneses, entre finales del siglo XIX y las primeras décadas del Siglo XX. En la historia de su ...
Contemporary Bioethics: Islamic Perspective
Contemporary Bioethics: Islamic Perspective, by Dr. Mohammed Ali Al-Bar and
Dr. Hassan Chamsi-Pasha, is a timely contribution in the field of Islamic bioethics.
The book is authored by two prominent practitioners of ...