Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 47
Del calcolítico al bronce antiguo en Siria-Palestina: revisando el modelo de la segunda urbanizaciónFrom the Chalcolithic to the Early Bronze Age in Syro-Palestine: Reviewing the Second Urbanization Model
(Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Centro de Estudios Sobre Diversidad Cultural, 2021)
La destrucción de Jericó a fines de la Edad del Bronce Antiguo III: un análisis preliminar de diferentes interpretacionesThe Destruction of Jericho at the End of the Early Bronze III: A Preliminary Analysis of Different Interpretations
(Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA, 2021)
Cities and Lights in the Early Bronze Age. On the First Oil Lamps in the Southern LevantCiudades y luces a principios de la Edad del Bronce Antiguo. Sobre las primeras lámparas de aceite en el Levante meridional
(Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA, 2021)
Revolution in the desert: A reassessment of the Late Bronze/Early Iron Ages in northwestern Arabia and the southern LevantRevolución en el desierto: Una reevaluación de la Edad del Bronce Tardío y el Hierro Temprano en el noroeste de Arabia y el sur del Levante
(Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental, 2020-10)
The societal changes that occurred in north-western Arabia and the arid southern Levant between the mid-second and the beginning of the first millennia BCE were so profound that they can be characterized, borrowing Steven ...
Land, Power and Prestige : Bronze Age Field Systems in Southern England
A major phase of economic expansion occurred in southern England during the second and early first millennium BC, accompanied by a fundamental shift in regional power and wealth towards the eastern lowlands. This book ...
Local exchange in the southern levant during the early bronze age: a political economy viewpointIntercambio local in the Levante meridional durante la Edad del Bronce Temprano: Una Mirada político-económica
(Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Departamento de Historia. Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente, 2009)
Abstract: Trade and relations between the southern Levant and other regions of the Near East (mainly Egypt) during the Early Bronze Age (ca. 3,600–2,300 BC) have been the subject of many studies. Research concerning the ...
Revolución en el desierto: Una reevaluación de la Edad del Bronce Tardío y el Hierro Temprano en el noroeste de Arabia y el sur del LevanteRevolution in the Desert: A Reassessment of the Late Bronze/Early Iron Ages in Northwestern Arabia and the Southern Levant
(Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA, 2020)
Evolution of Water Lifting Devices (Pumps) over the Centuries Worldwide
(MDPI AG, 2015)
The evolution of the major achievements in water lifting devices with emphasis on the major technologies over the centuries is presented and discussed. Valuable insights into ancient water lifting technologies with their ...
The Holocene stratified screes from Sierra de Albarracín (Iberian Ranges, Spain) and their paleoenvironmental significance
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2017-09)
The most important stratified screes of the Iberian Range are found in Sierra de Albarracín. These slope deposits have been traditionally considered, without absolute datings, as having been formed during various Pleistocene ...