Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 905
Against cognitive artifacts: Extended cognition theory and the problem of defining artifact
(Springer Netherlands, 2017-12)
In this paper I examine the notion of ‘artifact’ and related notions (namely, ‘cognitive artifact’) in the dominant version of extended cognition theory (ECT) grounded on extended functionalism. Although the term is ...
Arguing with Images as Extended Cognition
(University of Windsor, 2020)
Arguing with Images as Extended Cognition
(University of Windsor, 2020)
Extending cognitive load theory to incorporate working memory resource depletion: evidence from the spacing effect
(Springer, 2018-06)
Depletion of limited working memory resources may occur following extensive mental effort resulting in decreased performance compared to conditions requiring less extensive mental effort. This "depletion effect" can be ...
Ciborgue: a mente estendida de Andy Clark
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia - PPGFil, 2007-11-07)
The cyborg theme, concerning the combination of organisms and machines, has
been extensively explored recently. In this text, the theme is once again discussed,
first, through a brief historical overview and, then, through ...
Investigating cognitive change as a dynamic processInvestigar el cambio cognitivo como proceso dinámico
(Taylor & Francis, 2016-10)
In this introduction to the special issue ‘Dynamic aspects of cognitive development and learning’ we emphasize the current need for studies that address, in depth, the dynamic aspects of cognitive development and learning. ...
Cognición y explicación en el debate reciente sobre el representacionalismo en la ciencia cognitiva corporizadaCognition and explanation in the recent debate over representationalism in an embodied cognitive science
(Taylor & Francis, 2012-03)
Algunas de las propuestas enmarcadas en la denominada ciencia cognitiva corporizada han sido acusadas por dispensar injustificadamente de la noción de representación mental. A través de un meta-análisis del debate en torno ...