Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 464
Formation of massive iron deposits linked to explosive volcanic eruptions
The genetic link between magmas and ore deposit formation is well documented by studies of fossil hydrothermal systems associated with magmatic intrusions at depth. However, the role of explosive volcanic processes as ...
The 2000 AD eruption of Copahue Volcano, Southern Andes
(Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), 2004)
Holocene tephrochronology of the southernmost part (42°30'-45°S) of the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone
(Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), 2004)
Largest explosive eruption in historical times in the Andes at Huaynaputina volcano, A.D. 1600, southern Peru
(Geological Society of America, 1999-05)
The largest explosive eruption (volcanic explosivity index of 6) in historical times in the Andes took place in a.d. 1600 at Huaynaputina volcano in southern Peru. According to chronicles, the eruption began on February ...
Cráter de explosión asociado al volcanismo cretácico en la región cumbral de la Sierra chica, CórdobaExplosion crater associated with the Cretaceous volcanism atop the Sierra Chica, Córdoba
(Asociación Geológica Argentina, 2014-12)
Por primera vez se describe un cráter volcánico asociado con la actividad magmática cretácica de sinrift que caracterizó a la faja central de la República Argentina en la región cumbral de la Sierra Chica de Córdoba. La ...
Mechanisms of aggradation in fluvial systems influenced by explosive volcanism: An example from the Upper Cretaceous Bajo Barreal Formation, San Jorge Basin, Argentina
(Elsevier Science, 2008-01)
The Late Cretaceous succession of the San Jorge Basin (Patagonia, Argentina) records different continental settings that interacted with explosive volcanism derived from a volcanic arc located in the western part of ...
(Instituto de Geofísica, 2012)
Evidence of magma-water interaction during the 13,800 years BP explosive cycle of the Lican Ignimbrite, Villarrica volcano (southern Chile)
Villarrica is an active stratovolcano located in the Southern Andean Volcanic Zone. About 13,800 years BP (conventional radiocarbon ages), this volcano experienced major explosive eruptions which resulted in the emission ...
The lifecycle of volcanic ash: advances and ongoing challenges
(Springer, 2022-05)
Explosive volcanic eruptions can produce vast amounts of volcanic ash made up mainly of fragments of magmatic glass, country rock and minerals<2 mm in size. Ash particles forming from magma fragmentation are generated by ...
Diversity of volcanism and evidence of discrete eruption centres in the Miocene Andes of Central Chile
The geology of the Farellones region in the Andean Cordillera of central Chile, comprise a thick sequence of volcanic and volcaniclastic Miocene rocks. The occurrence of discrete eruption centres within this sequence, ...