Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 18836
Approximate recursive equilibrium with minimal state space
(Fundação Getulio Vargas. Escola de Pós-graduação em Economia, 2013-02-26)
This paper shows existence of approximate recursive equilibrium with minimal state space in an environment of incomplete markets. We prove that the approximate recursive equilibrium implements an approximate sequential ...
On the manipulability of competitive equilibrium rules in many-to-many buyer–seller markets
(Springer Verlag, 2017)
We analyze the manipulability of competitive equilibrium allocation rules for the simplest many-to-many extension of Shapley and Shubik’s (Int J Game Theory 1:111–130, 1972) assignment game. First, we show that if an agent ...
Bailey's measure of the welfare costs of inflation as a general-equilibrium measure
Lucas (2000) has shown that Bailey’s formula for the welfare costs of inflation can be regarded as an approximation to the general-equilibrium measures that emerge from the Sidrauski and the shopping-time models. In this ...
Walrasian equilibrium as limit of a competitive equilibrium without divisible goods
(Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2015-05)
We study economies where all commodities are indivisible at the individual level, but perfectly
divisible at the aggregate level of the economy. Under the survival assumption, we show
that a competitive outcome in the ...
Information-based numerical distances between equilibrium and non-equilibrium states
(Scientific Research publishing, 2020-07)
We consider a typical master equation describing thermal time-evolution. In parallel, we also consider a quasi static canonical description of the same problem. We are able to devise a way of numerically comparing these ...
Solving Deterministic and Stochastic Equilibrium Problems via Augmented Walrasian
(Springer, 2019)
We described a method to solve deterministic and stochastic Walras equilibrium
models based on associating with the given problem a bifunction whose
maxinf-points turn out to be equilibrium points. The numerical procedure ...
Existence of a competitive equilibrium when all goods are indivisible
(Elsevier, 2017)
This paper investigates an economy where all consumption goods are indivisible at the individual level,
but perfectly divisible at the overall level of the economy. In order to facilitate trading of goods, we
introduce ...
On equilibrium existence with endogenous restricted financial participation
(Elsevier, 2011)
Without requiring either financial survival assumptions or linear spanning conditions over financial
spaces, we prove equilibrium existence in an abstract incomplete market economy with endogenous
restricted financial ...
Recursive equilibrium with Price Perfect Foresight and a minimal state space
(Springer, 2016-01)
This paper analyzes general equilibrium models with finite heterogeneous agents who anticipate future prices through a price expectation function with or without accuracy. I show the existence of a recursive equilibrium ...