Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 7254
Sensitivity mapping of oil pollution incidents in land environments
(Univ Estadual Maringa, Pro-reitoria Pesquisa Pos-graduacao, 2018-01-01)
The Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Map is an element to guide the planning of contingency. Road transport is the main vectors in accidents which cause oil spilling in the environment. Since terrestrial environments ...
Repeated administration of caffeine induces either sensitization or tolerance of locomotor stimulation depending on the environmental context
(Polish Acad Sciences Inst Pharmacology, 2012-01-01)
Caffeine is the psychostimulant substance consumed in greatest quantities in the world. The repeated administration of psychostimulants can either decrease or increase the drug effect, inducing tolerance or sensitization, ...
Effects of sex and age on genotype x environment interaction for beef cattle body weight studied using reaction norm models
(Amer Soc Animal Science, 2011-11-01)
The interest in the effect of genotype x environment interaction is increasing because animal breeding programs have become geographically broader. Climate changes in the next decades are also expected to challenge the ...
Effects of sex and age on genotype x environment interaction for beef cattle body weight studied using reaction norm models
(Amer Soc Animal Science, 2011-11-01)
The interest in the effect of genotype x environment interaction is increasing because animal breeding programs have become geographically broader. Climate changes in the next decades are also expected to challenge the ...
The utilization of the human thinking representation oriented model (MORPH) for the establishment of a fluvial sensitivity index (FSI): A proposed contribution to the environmental sensitivity to oil classificationUtilização do modelo orientado à representação do pensamento humano (MORPH) no estabelecimento do índice de sensibilidade fluvial (ISF): Uma proposta de contribuição à classificação da sensibilidade ambiental ao óleo
This paper presents the using of the Human Thinking Representation Oriented Model (MORPH) as analysis tool as support to the creation of a classification system, that aims to determine the environmental sensitivity to oil ...
Remote sensing to evaluate geomorphological features for the environmental sensitivity to oil spills: Lower course of the river Piracicaba (SP)Sensoriamento remoto na avaliação das características geomorfológicas para a identificação da sensibilidade ambiental a derrames de óleo: Baixo curso do rio Piracicaba – SP
The Environmental Sensitivity Index mapping constitute an important tool for contingency planning and assessment of damage caused by oil spills. These maps widely used in coastal environments, where the methodology is well ...
Survey of biological resources to support environmental sensitivity- Maps: Case study on mangrove areas of a subtropical Brazilian estuary
Maps of environmental sensitivity to oil (ESI maps) are used as primary source of information in response to oil spills, showing the sensitivity of environments and priority areas for protection. The sensitive areas are ...
Environmental enrichment blocks ethanol-induced locomotor sensitization and decreases BDNF levels in the prefrontal cortex in mice
The use of addictive drugs can lead to long-term neuroplastic changes in the brain, including behavioral sensitization, a phenomenon related to addiction. Environmental enrichment (EE) is a strategy used to study the effect ...