Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 183
The precipitation regimes along Chile and California at the extremes of the ENSO and ENSO-like cycles
(Escuela de Ciencias del Mar <BR>Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2002)
Massive bleaching of coral reefs induced by the 2010 ENSO, Puerto Cabello, Venezuela
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2012)
Climate Variability and Change in South America: ENSO, Decadal Variability and Climate Change in South America: Trends, Teleconnections, and Potential Impacts; Guayaquil, Ecuador, 12-14 October 2010
(Wiley, 2010-12)
El Niño and the Southern Oscillation (ENSO) have profound effects on South American climate. Warm ENSO events (El Niños) and cold ENSO events (La Niñas), which occur on year-to-year time scales, are associated with droughts, ...
Pollen evidence for late-Holocene climatic variability at Laguna de Aculeo, Central Chile (lat. 34°S)
A pollen record is presented from Laguna de Aculeo (33°50′S, 70°55′W, 360 m a.s.l.) that documents important vegetation changes over the last 2500 cal. yr in Central Chile. Grasses, composites, trees, paludal and aquatic ...
Using seafaring simulations and shortest-hop trajectories to model the prehistoric colonization of Remote Oceania
(Natl Acad Sciences, 2016-11-08)
The prehistoric colonization of islands in Remote Oceania that began similar to 3400 B.P. represents what was arguably the most expansive and ambitious maritime dispersal of humans across any of the world's seas or oceans. ...
Peruvian Fur Seals as Archivists of El Niño Southern Oscillation Effects
(Frontiers Media, 2021)
Peru’s coastal waters are characterized by significant environmental fluctuation due to periodic El Niño- La Niña- Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. This variability results in ecosystem-wide food web changes which are ...
Seasonal rainfall patterns classification, relationship to ENSO and rainfall trends in Ecuador
Water is one of Ecuador's most important natural resources, whose management should rely on good information and adequate models for the water balance. Although there are many studies focusing on rainfall and temperatures, ...
High impact weather events in the Andes
(Frontiers Media, 2020)
Owing to the extraordinary latitudinal extent, a strong orographic variability with very high mountain tops, and the presence of deep valleys and steep slopes, the Andes and the population of the region are highly prone ...