Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 26
Evidence of hafting traces on lithics end-scrapers at maripe cave site (Santa Cruz, Argentina)
(Maney Publishing, 2015-02)
This paper presents a review related to using microwear analysis to identify hafting process in archaeological contexts and also presents actualistic and archaeological information of hafting traces. In this way, the case ...
Evidence of hafting traces on lithics end-scrapers at Maripe Cave site (Santa Cruz, Argentina)
(Taylor & Francis, 2015)
This paper presents a review related to using microwear analysis to identify hafting process in archaeological contexts and also presents actualistic and archaeological information of hafting traces. In this way, the case ...
Buscador de componentes eletrônicos em websites
(Florianópolis, SC, 2022-03-09)
Este trabalho apresenta o processo de criação de um extrator de dados de lojas que
vendem componentes eletrônicos na modalidade on-line através da criação de crawlers
e scrapers utilizando, para isso, a ferramenta Scrapy ...
Morphological and Functional Variability on the Endscrapers in Cueva Maripe Site (Santa Cruz Province, Argentina)
(Taylor & Francis, 2016-01)
The aim of this paper is to study the end-scrapers recovered from Cueva Maripe site (Santa Cruz Province, Argentina). These artifacts have been repeatedly recorded along the entire sequence of the site occupations; therefore, ...
Raspadores de vidrio y de gres cerámico en la reserva Tehuelche (AONIKENK) de Camusu Aike: aportes al conocimiento de poblaciones indígenas de los siglos XIX y XX en el territorio de Santa Cruz.Glass and stoneware scrapers in the tehuelche (aonikenk) reserve of camusu aike: contributions to xix and xx century indigenous populations studies in Santa Cruz province
(Sociedad Argentina de Antropología, 2013-05)
El análisis tecnológico y funcional de raspadores de vidrio y de gres cerámico recuperados en dos sitios arqueológicos ubicados en la actual Reserva / Comunidad Tehuelche (Aonikenk)Camusu Aike aporta a la discusión sobre ...
Justifying Assault between Colombian Politicians. The Case of Former Mayor Rodolfo Hernández on YouTubeLa justificación de la agresiónfísica entre políticos colombianos. El caso del exalcalde Rodolfo Hernández en YouTube
(Universidad de La Sabana, 12/13/2021)
In November 2018, the then-mayor of Bucaramanga (Colombia) attacked a municipal councilor amidst a heated political discussion. The video of the assault spread like wildfire on social media and was used by the ...