Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1529
Embryonic development stages description in Gambusia puncticulata (Pisces: Poeciliidae) from Almendares River, Cuba
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2017)
State of the art on animal embryonic chimeras
Embryonic chimerism is generally used in basic research and in vivo diagnosis of undifferentiated embryonic stem cells (ESC), mostly using mice embryos, although there have been reports in the literature on using rat, ...
Ultrastructure of eggshell and embryological development of Salvator merianae (Squamata: Teiidae)
(Wiley-liss, div John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2020-10-25)
The objective of this study was to characterize the external morphology of Salvator meriane embryos in different stages of embryonic development and establish a relationship with the ultrastructure of the shell from oviductal ...
Morphogens during embryonic development of vertebrates Morfógenos durante el desarrollo embrionario de vertebrados
(Universidad de la Frontera, 2014)
During embryonic development, cells in many tissues differ according to the positional information that is set by the concentration of morphogen gradients. These are signaling molecules that are secreted in a restricted ...
Comparative embryonic development patterns in three deep-water skates from the southwest Atlantic
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-07)
Embryonic development is a vulnerable and key period during the life cycle of an oviparous elasmobranch. Captivity studies are difficult to carry out on non-coastal species; hence, embryonic development can be analysed ...
Embryonic and post-embryonic development inside wolf spiders’ egg sac with special emphasis on the vitellus
(Springer Heidelberg, 2018-03)
The development of Pardosa saltans wolf spiders inside an egg sac includes two periods: an embryonic period and a post-embryonic period after hatching. We investigated spiderlings’ energy expenditure to assess energetic ...