Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 146
An extended echo state network using Volterra filtering and principal component analysis
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2012)
Optimized phases for the acquisition of J-spectra in coupled spin systems for thermally and PHIP polarized molecules
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2018-04)
We demonstrate that the relative phases in the refocusing pulses of multipulse sequences can compensate for pulse errors and off-resonant effects, which are commonly encountered in J-spectroscopy when CPMG is used for ...
Combination of OPSY and PhD-PHIP results in enhanced sensitivity in PHIP
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2019-02)
Despite the large degree of polarization in PHIP experiments compared to the Boltzmann factor, the presence of a large amount of non-reacted molecules with thermal polarization is an important obstacle when dealing with ...
High-resolution observations of mesospheric layers with the Jicamarca VHF Radar
(Elsevier, 2007)
We report new results from the 50-MHz Jicamarca radar in Peru (12°S, 77°W), which is able to observe backscatter from the daytime mesosphere on any given day. Since 2005, the radar has been operated in a high-power MST-ISR ...
Echo state network and variational autoencoder for efficient one-class learning on dynamical systems
(IOS Press, 2018)
Usually, time series acquired from some measurement in a dynamical system are the main source of information about its internal structure and complex behavior. In this situation, trying to predict a future state or to ...
Single-shot velocity mapping by rewinding of velocity encoding with Echo-Planar Imaging
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2019-10)
The ability of single-shot NMR imaging methods to follow the time evolution of a velocity distribution within an object is strongly limited by the phase errors accumulated as velocity maps are acquired. In the particular ...
Impacto del Proyecto ECHO en la percepción profesional de mejoramiento de la atención de salud
(Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, 2022)