Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 24
Estudio del ausentismo laboral en la Empresa Aposmar S.A. del Distrito de Santa Marta, en los años 2000 a 2006
(Universidad del MagdalenaFacultad de Ciencias Empresariales y EconómicasAdministración de Empresas, 2018)
ópio do Ministério Público
About The Semiample Cone Of The Symmetric Product Of A Curve
Let C be a smooth curve which is complete intersection of a quadric and a degree k > 2 surface in P-3 and let C-(2) be its second symmetric power. In this paper we study the finite generation of the extended canonical ring ...
La gestión procesos de la paletera Armijos: identificación de sus procesos.
For the development of the present case study, the company Paletera Armijos is taken as a reference, dedicated to the manufacture of pallets in pine or semi-hardwood wood; as well as the commercialization of materials and ...