Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 113
Tissue-dwelling philometrid nematodes of the fish Arapaima gigas in Brazil
(Cambridge University Press, 2017)
Eradication of introduced fish allows successful recovery of a stream-dwelling amphibian
Eradication of introduced fish allows successful recovery of a stream-dwelling amphibian
(Public Library of Science, 2019)
Movement patterns of stream-dwelling fishes from Mata Atlântica, Southeast Brazil
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2012)
Port of Spain (Trinidad) - Cocorite Bay
Cocorite Bay located on the north western coast of Trinidad hosts a small fishing village. The picture show a jetty in front of a hut situated just inside the tree line. Postcard number 7.
The importance of substrate size and interstitial space in the microhabitat selection by the stream-dwelling catfish Hatcheria macraei (Actinopterygii, Trichomycteridae)
(Springer, 2013-01)
The study tests whether diurnal microhabitat use by Hatcheria macraei depends upon specific environmental parameters and/or the abundance of other fish. We carried out a 1-year field study in a low-order river of northern ...
One of the Five Islands, Trinidad
(Muir Marshall and Co.,[Trinidad and Tobago], 2011-03-14)
In the middle of this postcard is one of the "Five Islands". The Five Islands are a group small islands lying off Port-of-Spain which provide sites for holiday houses occupied for bathing, boating and fishing.
Pleasure Islands, Trinidad, B.W.I.
(H. Strong Ltd., 2011-03-14)
This postcard shows islands lying off Port-of-Spain which provide sites for holiday houses where bathing, boating and fishing occur.