Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 123
The role of the drama in EFL
(Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle, 2019-05-07)
Drama is a creative way of learning and teaching, it joined in cooperative process to the learners.
Thus drama activities can be considered one of the toughest tasks for the teacher. The teacher is
the best person to ...
Students’ willingness to participate in speaking activities through the use of scripted role-plays
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2019)
Tbe use of drama tecbniques as a teacbing resource to the development of speaking and listening skills in the language classroom in Chile
It is commonly assumed that drama and drama techniques implies the act ofreading and performing plays or presentations (Fleming, 1998: 1; Holden, 1981:8) rather than acting as strategies or aids that support the teaching ...
The study of drama techniques in the process of teaching-learning a foreign language with children aged 5-7
(Universidad FASTA. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educaci?n, 2015)
Elementos do teatro no ensino de língua inglesa em escolas públicas estaduais
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilEnsino de Línguas Estrangeiras ModernasUTFPR, 2016-09-14)
This work is a bibliographic research on the increased motivation of teachers and students from the insertion of theater elements when teaching/learning English in public schools. In light of Vygotsky (2003), we seek to ...
The Impact of Drama on the Speaking and Self-Confidence of EFL Undergraduate Students at a Public University
(Facultad de Artes y HumanidadesManizalesMaestría en Didáctica del Inglés - Manizales, 2022)