Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3159
Treatment for cases of violence by Brazilian emergency services focusing on family relationships and life cycles
(Associação Brasileira de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva (ABRASCO), 2018)
Domestic Hierarchies: Household Workers and Middle-class Employers in Buenos Aires, 1956–1976
(University of Nebraska, 2018-01)
In Argentina, substantial changes took place in domestic service since the beginning of the Twentieth Century, such as the decreasing number of workers per household, the gradual shift towards the coexistence of live-in ...
Domestic work and international migration in Latin America: Exploring trajectories of regional migrant women in domestic service in Argentina
(Elsevier, 2014-02)
Besides emigration towards developed countries, Latin America has a regional migration dynamics of its own — one in which the presence of women, as well as their employment in domestic service, has proved decisive. Combining ...
A matter of decency? - persistent tensions in the regulation of domestic service
The role of law in regulating and mediating social inequality has been the subject of longstanding debates. While recent research on domestic service acknowledges the importance of regulation, the legal configuration of ...
Plan De Negocios Para El Montaje Y Puesta En Marcha De Una Empresa De Servicios Generales Para El Hogar.
(Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2014)
Género y derechos laborales: servicio doméstico y trabajo doméstico no remunerado en la Justicia laboral en Argentina (1956-1974)
(Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Escuela de Historia, 2019)
Fixing Up
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2020)