Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1753
Multiple attribute group decision‐making based on order‐α divergence and entropy measures under q‐rung orthopair fuzzy environment
(Wiley, 2020)
The q-rung orthopair fuzzy set ((ROPFS)-R-q), proposed by Yager, is a more effective and proficient tool to represent uncertain or vague information in real-life situations. Divergence and entropy are two important measures, ...
Influential observations in the functional measurement error model
In this work we propose Bayesian measures to quantify the influence of observationson the structural parameters of the simple measurement error model (MEM). Different influencemeasures, like those based onq-divergence ...
Performance and Convergence Analysis of Modified C-Means Using Jeffreys-Divergence for Clustering
The size of data that we generate every day across the globe is undoubtedly astonishing due to the growth of the Internet of Things. So, it is a common practice to unravel important hidden facts and understand the massive ...
Generalized divergences from generalized entropies
(Elsevier Science, 2018-11)
Several quantifiers of information, also known as entropies, have been introduced in different contexts and from different motivations. For almost each one of these entropies, a measure of the loss (or gain) of information ...
Application of PE‐RADSeq to the study of genomic diversity and divergence of two Brazilian marmoset species (Callithrix jacchus and C. penicillata)
(American Journal of Primatology, 2018)
Monoparametric family of metrics derived from classical Jensen–Shannon divergence
(Elsevier Science, 2018-04-01)
Jensen–Shannon divergence is a well known multi-purpose measure of dissimilarity between probability distributions. It has been proven that the square root of this quantity is a true metric in the sense that, in addition ...
Genetic divergence in tropical anurans: deeper phylogeographic structure in forest specialists and in topographically complex regions
(Springer, 2015-09-01)
Many tropical organisms show large genetic differences among populations, yet the prevalent drivers of the underlying divergence processes are incompletely understood. We explored the effect of several habitat and natural ...