Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 823
The distribution of symmetry of a naturally reductive nilpotent Lie group
(Springer, 2019-06)
We show that the distribution of symmetry of a naturally reductive nilpotent Lie group coincides with the invariant distribution induced by the set of fixed vectors of the isotropy. This extends a known result on compact ...
The index of symmetry of compact naturally reductive spaces
We introduce a geometric invariant that we call the index of symmetry, which measures how far is a Riemannian manifold from being a symmetric space. We compute, in a geometric way, the index of symmetry of compact naturally ...
Testing for symmetry and conditional symmetry using asymmetric kernels
(Springer Heidelberg, 2015-08)
We derive nonparametric tests of symmetry using asymmetric kernels with either vanishing or fixed bandwidths. The idea is to split the sample around the symmetry point and then test whether the distributions to the right ...
The index of symmetry of compact naturally reductive spaces
(Springer, 2014-08)
We introduce a geometric invariant that we call the index of symmetry, which measures how far is a Riemannian manifold from being a symmetric space. We compute, in a geometric way, the index of symmetry of compact naturally ...
The index of symmetry of three-dimensional Lie groups with a left-invariant metric
(De Gruyter, 2018-10)
We determine the index of symmetry of 3-dimensional unimodular Lie groups with a left-invariant metric. In particular, we prove that every 3-dimensional unimodular Lie group admits a left-invariant metric with positive ...
Non-null Distribution of The Likelihood Ratio Statistic for Testing Multisample Compound Symmetry
(Universidad Industrial de Santander, Escuela de MatemáticasAnálisis MultivariadoBucaramanga, Colombia, 2022)
Entanglement, quantum phase transition and fixed-point bifurcation in the N-atom Jaynes-Cummings model with an additional symmetry breaking term
(Elsevier Science BvAmsterdamHolanda, 2008)
Local duality and charge symmetry violation in quark distributions
(American Physical Soc, 2004-11-01)
We use local quark-hadron duality to calculate the nucleon structure function as seen by neutrino and muon beams. Our result indicates a possible signal of charge symmetry violation at the parton level in the very large x region.