Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 6297
Simulation of salt extractive distillation with spray dryer salt recovery for anhydrous ethanol production
(Soc Chemical Eng JapanBunkyo Ku TokyoJapão, 2002)
Conceptual Model-Based Optimization and Environmental Evaluation of Waste Solvent Technologies: Distillation/Incineration versus Distillation/Pervaporation
(Elsevier Science, 2015-12-14)
In this work, a conceptual model-based optimization is performed for designing two waste solvent treatment technologies: i) hybrid process distillation assisted by pervaporation and ii) distillation/incineration.This task ...
Design and construction of a fresnel linear distiller
(Allerton Press, Inc.US, 2014)
It was designed a Fresnel linear distiller based on optical calculations obtained from taking into account Lima's latitude value, Earth inclination angle and heat absorber cavity's dimensions. The 5.6 m^sup 2^ reflective ...
Comparative evaluation of two nonconventional distillation technologies for separation of ethanol water mixtures by extractive distillation
In this document, extractive distillation for the separation of Ethanol-Water-ethylene glycol is studied from the conceptual point of view. A methodology for the design of conventional extractive sequences is detailed based ...
Comparison between solar distillers with and without solar concentrator
(Allerton Press, Inc.US, 2016)
In order to desalinate sea water by only solar energy using they were designed and built three distillers in which experimental measurements were taken to calculate production, performance and cost. Distillers by solar ...
Thermal design of a tray-type distillation column of an ammonia/water absorption refrigeration cycle
The goal of this paper is to present an analysis of a segmented weir sieve-tray distillation column for a 17.58 kW (5 TR) ammonia/water absorption refrigeration cycle. Balances of mass and energy were performed based on ...
Simulation and thermal integration SRV in extractive distillation column
(Soc Chemical Eng JapanBunkyo Ku TokyoJapão, 1997)
(Universidad del Bío-Bío, 2010)
Solar distiller prototype for the production of distilled water with the assistance of efficient heat interchangers in multiple phases
(Universidad Politécnica de Puebla, 2014)
Water purification by direct solar distillation process in isolated households
(UEM, 2014-01-07)
Este estudo visa contribuir com a produção de água potável, pelo processo de destilação solar.
Foi utilizada no processo, água bruta salgada e salobra. Objetiva-se atender residências rurais ou isoladas,
oferecendo uma ...