Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 92
Dispersal traits drive the phylogenetic distance decay of similarity in Neotropical stream metacommunities
Aim: The drivers of phylogenetic beta diversity include both local processes (e.g. environmental filtering) and regional processes (e.g. dispersal limitation). The role of environmental filtering can be investigated more ...
Host ontogeny and the temporal decay of similarity in parasite communities of marine fish
(Elsevier, 2010-07)
Geographical distances between host populations are key determinants of how many parasite species they share. In principle, decay in similarity should also occur with increasing distance along any other dimension that ...
Floristic diversity, richness and distribution of Trentepohliales (Chlorophyta) in Neotropical ecosystems
Trentepohliales is one of the most diverse and abundant algal group of the terrestrial microflora in tropical regions; however, information about composition, richness and distribution of these algae in Neotropical regions ...
Similarity in parasite communities of the teleost fish Pinguipes brasilianus in the southwestern Atlantic: Infracommunities as a tool to detect geographical patterns
(Elsevier, 2010-02)
Patterns of distance decay in similarity among communities of the fish Pinguipes brasilianus (Teleostei: Pinguipedidae) from five areas in the southwestern Atlantic were investigated to determine whether the rate of decay ...
Diversity and biogeographical patterns of yeast communities in Antarctic, Patagonian and tropical lakes
(Elsevier, 2017-08)
We investigated the distribution patterns of yeast communities in freshwater lakes along a latitudinal gradient in order to evaluate yeast biogeography at intercontinental (501–8000 km), regional (0–500 km) and local (0–1 ...
Parasites of the Brazilian flathead Percophis brasiliensis reflect West Atlantic biogeographic regions
(Cambridge University Press, 2017-02)
With the aim of evaluating the utility of marine parasites as indicators of zoogeographical regions in the South West Atlantic, we analyzed data on assemblages of long-lived larval parasites of 488 specimens of Percophis ...
Assessing land use and land cover influence on surface water quality using a parametric weighted distance function
(Elsevier Gmbh, 2019-01)
Stream water quality is directly influenced by land use and human practices in the surrounding environment. Understanding such effects and the spatial extent of impacts is essential to generate reliable information for ...
Mountain roads and non-native species modify elevational patterns of plant diversity
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2018-06)
Aim: We investigated patterns of species richness and community dissimilarity along elevation gradients using globally replicated, standardized surveys of vascular plants. We asked how these patterns of diversity are ...
Mountain roads and non-native species modify elevational patterns of plant diversity
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2018-06)
Aim We investigated patterns of species richness and community dissimilarity along elevation gradients using globally replicated, standardized surveys of vascular plants. We asked how these patterns of diversity are ...
Assessing the influence of geographic distance in parasite communities of an exotic lizard
The decay of similarity between biological communities with increasing geographical distance is a well-established pattern in ecology, but there are more complex factors acting on host population connections that influence ...