Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 205
Procedure optimization of silicate rocks dissolution in open vessels for ICP-AES analysis.
(Editora Unesp, 1996-01-01)
The main variables found on procedure of the dissolution silicate rocks using acid dissolution in teflon open vessel for analysis of micro elements by ICP-AES has been determined. The results obtained for some samples ...
Procedure optimization of silicate rocks dissolution in open vessels for ICP-AES analysis.
(Editora Unesp, 1996-01-01)
The main variables found on procedure of the dissolution silicate rocks using acid dissolution in teflon open vessel for analysis of micro elements by ICP-AES has been determined. The results obtained for some samples ...
Otimização do procedimento de solubilização de rochas silicáticas em recipientes abertos para análise por ICP-AES
The main variables found on procedure of the dissolution silicate rocks using acid dissolution in teflon open vessel for analysis of micro elements by ICP-AES has been determined. The results obtained for some samples ...
Geochemical evaluation of bottled groundwater from crystalline aquifers located in the South and southeast of BrazilAvaliação geoquímica das águas envasadas de aquíferos cristalinos no sul e sudeste do Brasil
The mechanisms related to rock-water interaction are important to understand the quality of groundwater. The chemical composition of 38 brands of bottled water from crystalline aquifers located in the South and Southeast ...
Procedure optimization of silicate rocks dissolution in open vissels for icp-aes analysisOtimização dos procedimento de solubilização de rochas silicáticas em recipientes abertos para análise por icp-aes
The mam variables found on procedure of the dissolution silicate rocks using acid dissolution in teflon open vessel for analysis of micro elements by ICP-AES has been determined. The results obtained for some samples showed ...
Recommendation of RILEM TC 238-SCM: determination of the degree of reaction of siliceous fly ash and slag in hydrated cement paste by the selective dissolution method
(Springer, 2018-02)
The performance of slag and fly ash in hydrated cementitious materials depends on the degree of reaction developed at the evaluated age. Several methods for the determination of the reaction degree of supplementary ...
Classical and New Procedures of Whole Rock Dissolution for Trace Element Determination by ICP-MS
(Wiley-blackwellMaldenEUA, 2012)