Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 739
Assessment of water contamination caused by a mutagenic textile effluent/dyehouse effluent bearing disperse dyes
(Elsevier B.V., 2010-02-15)
High performance liquid chromatography coupled to a diode array detector method was developed to detect disperse dyes in water samples over the range 0.50-35 ng,with detection limits of 0.09 ng, 0.84 ng and 0.08 ng, ...
Assessment of water contamination caused by a mutagenic textile effluent/dyehouse effluent bearing disperse dyes
(Elsevier B.V., 2010-02-15)
High performance liquid chromatography coupled to a diode array detector method was developed to detect disperse dyes in water samples over the range 0.50-35 ng,with detection limits of 0.09 ng, 0.84 ng and 0.08 ng, ...
Mutagenic activity removal of selected disperse dye by photoeletrocatalytic treatment
(SPRINGER, 2010)
The degradation of black dye commercial product (BDCP) composed of C.I. Disperse Blue 373, C.I. Disperse Orange 37, C.I. Disperse Violet 93 dyes was investigated by photoelectrocatalysis process. The dyes have shown high ...
Mutagenic activity removal of selected disperse dye by photoeletrocatalytic treatment
(Springer, 2010-03-01)
The degradation of black dye commercial product (BDCP) composed of C.I. Disperse Blue 373, C.I. Disperse Orange 37, C.I. Disperse Violet 93 dyes was investigated by photoelectrocatalysis process. The dyes have shown high ...
Mutagenic activity removal of selected disperse dye by photoeletrocatalytic treatment
(Springer, 2010-03-01)
The degradation of black dye commercial product (BDCP) composed of C.I. Disperse Blue 373, C.I. Disperse Orange 37, C.I. Disperse Violet 93 dyes was investigated by photoelectrocatalysis process. The dyes have shown high ...
Electrochemical reduction of disperse orange 1 textile dye at a boron-doped diamond electrode
(Springer, 2012-05-01)
Electrochemical reduction of the azo dye disperse orange 1 (DO1) was performed by square wave and cyclic voltammetry using a boron-doped diamond electrode. The dissolution of DO1 was evaluated by monitoring the UV-Vis ...
Electrochemical reduction of disperse orange 1 textile dye at a boron-doped diamond electrode
(Springer, 2012-05-01)
Electrochemical reduction of the azo dye disperse orange 1 (DO1) was performed by square wave and cyclic voltammetry using a boron-doped diamond electrode. The dissolution of DO1 was evaluated by monitoring the UV-Vis ...
Potent mutagenicity in the Ames test of 2-cyano-4-nitroaniline and 2,6-dicyano-4-nitroaniline, components of disperse dyes
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2015-09-22)
Genotoxicity data on commercial azo dyes and their components remain sparse, despite their widespread use. We have tested the mutagenicity of 2-cyano-4-nitroaniline (CNNA) and 2,6-dicyano-4-nitroaniline (CNCNNA), components ...
Monitoring ecotoxicity of disperse red 1 dye during photo-Fenton degradation
The present work assessed the ecotoxicity of the commercially available form of the azo dye Disperse Red 1 (DR1) and the main degradation products generated during photo-Fenton degradation. The acute toxicity tests with ...