Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 18142
Endemic Cardiovascular Diseases of the Poorest Billion
(Wolters Kluwer Health, 2016)
The poorest billion people are distributed throughout the world, though most are concentrated in rural sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) data can be sparse in low- and middle-income countries ...
Pompe disease: Clinical perspectives
(Dove Medical, 2017)
Pompe disease (acid alpha-glucosidase deficiency, OMIM 232300) is a rare lysosomal storage disorder due to autosomal recessive mutations in the GAA gene. It has also been called acid maltase deficiency and glycogen storage ...
Pilot study: Tobacco-attributable direct costs in two hospitais in Santiago, Chile Estudio piloto: Costos directos atribuibles al tabaquismo en dos hospitales de Santiago
Background: Tobaceo is the fourth cause of the global burden of disease, accounting for 79.9 million loss of disability-adjusted Ufe years (DALYs) in 2001. In 2002, tobacco-attributable mortality in Chile represented 17% ...
The cereal disease methodology workshop
(CIMMYT, 2016)
Burden of ischemic heart disease mortality attributable to physical inactivity in brazil
OBJECTIVE: To analyze if the burden of ischemic heart disease mortality trend attributed to physical inactivity in Brazil differs from the global estimates.METHODS: Databases from the Global Burden of Disease Study for ...
Estudio piloto: costos directos atribuibles al tabaquismo en dos hospitales de Santiago
(Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2008)
Genetics and genomics of disease resistance in salmonid species
(Frontiers Media, 2014)
Infectious and parasitic diseases generate large economic losses in salmon farming. A feasible and sustainable alternative to prevent disease outbreaks may be represented by genetic improvement for disease resistance. To ...
How to fight tar spot on maize
(CIMMYT, 2016)
Zoonoses and marginalised infectious diseases of poverty: Where do we stand?
(BioMed Central, 2011)
Despite growing awareness of the importance of controlling neglected tropical diseases as a contribution to poverty alleviation and achieving the Millennium Development Goals, there is a need to up-scale programmes to ...
Oral transmission of Chagas' disease Transmisión de la enfermedad de Chagas por vía oral
The traditional transmission pathways of Chagas' disease are vectorial, transfusional, transplacental and organ transplantation. However, oral transmission is gaining importance. The first evidence of oral transmission was ...