Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1633
The linguistic-discursive actions in the legal speech: a vision on the image of the woman in the crimes against the customs of the criminal codeAs ações lingüístico-discursivas no discurso jurídico: uma visão sobre a imagem da mulher nos crimes contra os costumes do código penal
(Laboratório Editorial FCL-UNESP, 2008)
Analysis of a self-help book translation for adolescent girls: Discursive tones, discursive ethos and female geek teenage identityAnálise da tradução de obra de autoajuda para garotas adolescentes: Tons do discurso, ethos discursivo e identidade geek feminina adolescente
This article proposes an analysis of the translation activity by considering the concept of tone and discursive ethos and the meaning effects derived from the female geek teenage identity in self-help bestsellers for ...
A wave of metaphors: image and visual metaphors in cartoons from a cognitive-discursive perspective
This paper aligns with a field of research that deals with the use of multi-modal metaphors from a cognitive-discursive perspective. In this context, we aim to investigate the role played by images in the instantiation of ...
Avatares mediáticos, reconfiguraciones de personajes e imágenes
(Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Programa de Semiótica, 2015-10-09)
Itinerarios mediáticos de la actualidad, las noticias, los personajes, las posiciones discursivas: tomar nota, hacer fotos, reorientar los discursos públicos.
A construção da imagem de leitor em memórias de leitura
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBRUFRNPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da LinguagemLinguística Aplicada; Literatura Comparada, 2013-08-23)
In this work, we analyzed reading memories of mother language teachers in
continuing education context. Our objective was to understand how each individual
has built his/her reader image. Our theoretical approach to the ...
Construção de imagens públicas na sociedade de plataforma: estratégias discursivas adotadas pelos candidatos à prefeitura de Santa Maria/RS em 2020
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2021)
This research aims to analyze the discursive building of political public images from
candidates for mayor at Santa Maria/RS/Brazil at the municipal election campaign in 2020, at
social media platforms. We started from ...
Contemporary photography as a discursive and / or narrative deviceLa fotografía contemporánea como dispositivo discursivo y/o narrativo
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2010)
(Univ Sao Paulo, Fac Filosofia Letras & Ciencias Humanas, 2016-06-01)
Based on socio-discursive interactionism (BRONCKART, 1999), this article aims at analyzing from the concept of text layering, emphasizing voices and modalization, the political speech pronounced by Dilma Roussef in the ...