Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 272
Dielectric exchange: The key repulsive or attractive transient forces between atomic force microscope tips and charged surfaces
(Amer Inst PhysicsWoodburyEUA, 1999)
Hydrophobic surfaces probed by atomic force microscopy
(Amer Chemical SocWashingtonEUA, 2003)
Forças óticas em guias de onda acoplados e fabricação de nano-ilhas de MoS2 via SPM
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2018-02-28)
This thesis is divided into two parts: in the first part, we have studied integrated photonics and optical forces in coupled waveguide systems and, in the second part, the tuning in the optical properties of 2D semiconductors. ...
Quantum interference of force: anomalous forces in a quantum interferometric context
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2016-11-04)
Physical properties concerning the phenomena of quantum superposition and quantum interference have throughout the years been found in direct opposition to our classical every day physical intuition. In this work, together ...
A hydration shell-based thermodynamic model for aqueous two-phase systems
(Canadian Soc Chemical EngineeringOttawaCanadá, 2004)
Fluid phase behavior modeling of CO(2) plus molten polymer systems using cubic and theoretically based equations of state
(Wiley-blackwellMaldenEUA, 2008)
Automated Sketching of Non-Fractionated Kinematic Chains
(Elsevier, 2013-10)
The sketching problem arises frequently in the conceptual design of mechanisms, especially in the enumeration process where a large number of topological solutions automatically generated must be analyzed. This paper ...
Laser printing single gold nanoparticles
(American Chemical Society, 2010-12)
Current colloidal synthesis is able to produce an extensive spectrum of nanoparticles with unique optoelectronic, magnetic, and catalytic properties. In order to exploit them in nanoscale devices, flexible methods are ...
Bound states of attractive Bose-Einstein condensates in shallow traps in two and three dimensions
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2005-03-14)
Using variational and numerical solutions of the mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii equation for attractive interaction (with cubic or Kerr nonlinearity), we show that a stable bound state can appear in a Bose-Einstein condensate ...
Bound states of attractive Bose-Einstein condensates in shallow traps in two and three dimensions
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2005-03-14)
Using variational and numerical solutions of the mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii equation for attractive interaction (with cubic or Kerr nonlinearity), we show that a stable bound state can appear in a Bose-Einstein condensate ...