Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3134
An ice machine adapted into an autonomous photovoltaic system without batteries using a variable-speed drive
The adaptation of a commercially available ice machine for autonomous photovoltaic operation without batteries is presented. In this adaptation a 1040 W(p) photovoltaic array directly feeds a variable-speed drive and a 24 ...
Skyrmion dynamics and transverse mobility: skyrmion Hall angle reversal on 2D periodic substrates with dc and biharmonic ac drives
Abstract: We numerically examine the dynamics of a skyrmion interacting with a two-dimensional periodic substrate under dc and biharmonic ac drives. We show that the Magnus force of the skyrmion produces circular orbits ...
Skyrmion ratchet in funnel geometries
Using a particle-based model, we simulate the behavior of a skyrmion under the influence of asymmetric funnel geometries and ac driving at zero temperature. We specifically investigate possibilities for controlling the ...
Skyrmion dynamics and topological sorting on periodic obstacle arrays
We examine skyrmions under a dc drive interacting with a square array of obstacles for varied obstacle size and damping. When the drive is applied in a fixed direction, we find that the skyrmions are initially guided in ...
Skyrmion pinball and directed motion on obstacle arrays
We examine skyrmions interacting with a square array of obstacles under ac drives applied in one or two directions. For a single direction of ac driving, we find that the Magnus force in conjunction with the obstacle ...
Diseño y Construcción de un Simulador de Conducción.
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2013-07-01)
From the point of view of the human being, principal actor in the driving process and the alarming data of accidents a Driving Simulator has been designed and constructed being a valuable tool in the training process. A ...
Implicit attitudes towards risky driving behaviors: Evidence of validity for the implicit association test
(Elsevier, 2020-12)
Introduction: Attitudes toward risky driving behaviors are commonly evaluated through direct self-report measures. Nevertheless, these instruments have limitations, such as socially-desirable responding. This study examines ...
Conversaciones introductorias Lengua Extranjera.
In this presentation, we will know some of the most common
expressions we can use to ask for or give directions to get to
specific places.
The semiotics of drive images in the film Black Swan (2010)A semiótica das imagens-pulsão no filme Cisne Negro (2010)
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2021)
Integration of a B chromosome into the A genome of a wasp, revisited
(Royal SocLondonInglaterra, 2002)