Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 251
Public opinion, diplomacy and nationalism. The impact of the First War in Brazil and Argentina
(Centro Estudios Sociales Regionales, 2018-06-01)
This article discusses the impact of the First World War in Brazil and after that establishes a comparison with Argentina. The war divided the public opinion, affected the economy and changed the Brazilian foreign policy. ...
1940 - 1945. Gran Bretaña, Estados Unidos y las clases dirigentes argentinas
(Buenos Aires, Editorial de Belgrano, 1981)
Fuente: Fondo Fundación Editorial de Belgrano
Financial Diplomacy in the Global Periphery: Between Cooperation and Coercion. Theoretical-Empirical Approaches Based on the Credit Relationships of Argentina with Venezuela and China
This article aims to analyze the characteristics of financial diplomacy in the global periphery during the early years of the 21st. century. Specifically, the paper focuses on the credit operations conducted Argentina with ...
The new South Africa: a perspective from ArgentinaLa nueva Sudáfrica: una perspectiva desde Argentina
(Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, 2017)
The civil organizations of the Korean diaspora and its implications for the public diplomacy of South Korea: a comparative study of Argentina and Mexico
(Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales; Korea Fundation, 2020)
A study of the relations between Argentina and Paraguay around the impasse on the navigation of Parana river through Brazilian diplomatic documents and the negotiations for construction of Yacyreta (1965-1973)
(Univ Federal Rio Grande Sul, Programa Pos-graduacao & Historia, 2017-12-01)
This article analyze the relations between Argentina and Paraguay in the period 1965 and 1973, when both countries lived an impasse about on the free navigation of Paraguayan vessels in Argentine territory, by means of ...
Public Diplomacy in Latin America: An Emerging Field of Practice?
(Routledge, 2020)
The chapter surveys the field of public diplomacy (PD) in Latin America. In doing so, it highlights common traits shaping governmental public diplomacy in Latin America. It contends that PD in the region is either being ...