Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 890
Implementação do local de trabalho digital: um estudo exploratório em uma grande empresa de tecnologia
The workplace is changing. The use of digital technologies is reshaping and decentralizing the traditional office. This thesis deals with an emerging phenomenon: the digital workplace. The research in the field indicates ...
Millennials' attitudes toward IT consumerization in the workplace
(Assoc Computing Machinery, 2017-10)
PEOPLE BORN AFTER 1980, often called 'millennials' by demographic researchers, behave differently from older generations in significant ways. They are the first 'digital natives,'the 'always on generation' that expects to ...
Activating inclusive growth in railway SMEs by workplace innovation
The digital revolution is happening, transforming the way we move and produce. Success in the digital revolution
means that the rail industries need to use the best available technologies focusing on people. The managerial ...
Capitalism, workers organising and the shifting meanings of workplace democracy
(Routledge, 2016-05)
This article explores the limits imposed by a capitalist system of industrial relations on the construction of workplace democracy. It does so by focusing on the experiences of two grass-roots organisations, from both the ...
Diseño de un puesto de trabajo digital basado en una solución Cloud Computing tipo SaaS bajo los lineamientos del concepto Modern Workplace como parte de la estrategia de transformación digital en una empresa del sector minero en el Perú
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2021-04-17)
El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad explicar cómo se pueden resolver problemas relacionados a la indisponibilidad de servicios de TI del puesto de trabajo digital tradicional. Asi como también, cómo alinear a los ...
Uso de Facebook Workplace como herramienta de productividad del área de atención al cliente en una entidad bancaria, Lima 2019
(Universidad Privada del NortePE, 2022-04-05)
El presente trabajo de investigación se elaboró con la finalidad de determinar el uso de Facebook Workplace como herramienta de productividad del área de atención al cliente en una entidad bancaria Lima 2019. Se encuestó ...
Industry 4.0 Human-Oriented Challenges using the example of Additive Manufacturing Technologies
(Iaria Xps Press, 2017-01-01)
Digitalization of the industry opens new possibilities to fulfill customer requirements such as individualized products. Additive Manufacturing is an example of a technology to do so and is part of a development towards ...
La violencia digital como amenaza a un ambiente laboral seguro
(Centro de Investigaciones Comerciales e Iniciativas Académicas, 2021)