Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2570
A Sugar Factory
(The Bonanza, Smith Bros and Co., Trinidad, 2009-07-31)
Photo depicting a drawing of a sugar cane factory. There are horses, carts and workers outside the building of the factory.
A Sugar Factory, Trinidad, B.W.I.
(Muir, Marshall and Co., Trinidad, 2009-07-31)
A picture of a sugar factory with two tall smokestacks towering over the estate.
Sugar factory, 1928
View of the ICTA sugar factory, 1928.
The Usine, St. Madeleine, A Central Sugar Factory in Trinidad
A picture of the Usine St. Madeleine sugar factory, one of the largest in the West Indies.
Sugar Factory Usine St. Madeleine
(W.A. Bonyun and Co., San Fernando, 2010-03-31)
Photo of the Usine St. Madeleine Sugar Factory which was located in the southern part of Trinidad.
Usage of digital factory in the analysis of automotive production scenariosavailable software and resources
(SAESão Paulo, 2014-10-30)
The Digital Factory (DF) can be defined as a set of computational software applied in the manufacturing design, development, implementation and operation. The goal of this work is to investigate DF's available resources ...
Identificação e priorização dos fatores críticos de sucesso na implantação de fábrica digital
A Digital Factory is a concept which improves the collaboration among product development processes. Despite the benefits brought by this concept, failures may occur in its implementation. This paper aims to present the ...
How the delphi and AHP methods are aiding to define the critical success factors priorities in a digital factory project implementation
Digital factory is a concept that offers a collaborative approach to enhance product and production engineering processes through simulation. Products, processes and resources are modeled to be used to develop and test the ...
How the delphi and AHP methods are aiding to define the critical success factors priorities in a digital factory project implementation
Digital factory is a concept that offers a collaborative approach to enhance product and production engineering processes through simulation. Products, processes and resources are modeled to be used to develop and test the ...
Building Factories Without Bosses: The Movement of Worker-Managed Factories in Argentina
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2015)