Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4172
Cantonal convergence in Ecuador: A spatial econometric perspective
Production, Diffusion and Reception of Tv News in the Era of Digital ConvergenceA produção, difusão e recepção de conteúdos telejornalísticos na era da convergência digital
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2017)
A feasible-side globally convergent modifier-adaptation scheme
(Elsevier, 2017-02)
In the context of static real-time optimization (RTO) of uncertain plants, the standard modifier-adaptation scheme consists in adding first-order correction terms to the cost and constraint functions of a model-based ...
Convergence rate for some quasilinear eigenvalues homogenization problems
(Elsevier Inc, 2015-03)
In this work we study the homogenization problem for (nonlinear) eigenvalues of quasilinear elliptic operators. We prove convergence of the first and second eigenvalues and, in the case where the operator is independent ...
Alrededor de las(s) convergencia(s). Conversaciones teóricas, divergencias conceptuales y transformaciones en el ecosistema de medios
Se han desarrollado numerosos conceptos para describir la convergencia de lenguajes en el sistema de medios contemporáneo. El artículo propone una reflexión teórica sobre la llamada convergencia retórica o semiótica, un ...
Convergencia tecnológica: síntesis o multiplicidad política y cultural
Desde una perspectiva comunicacional, cultural y política —terreno en que se ubica la relación de las tecnologías con la sociedad—, este artículo analiza críticamente la actual convergencia tecnológica. En efecto, plantea ...
Convergences between digital curation and information design in the post custodial context of information scienceConvergências entre a curadoria digital e o design da informação no contexto pós custodial da ciência da informação
Objective: Identify the approximations between Digital Curation (DC) and Information Design (ID) in the context of Information Science (IS) and point out the contributions of these convergences to the efficiency and ...
Convergence of adaptive finite element methods for eigenvalue problems
(World Scientific, 2009-05)
In this paper we prove convergence of adaptive finite element methods for second-order elliptic eigenvalue problems. We consider Lagrange finite elements of any degree and prove convergence for simple as well as multiple ...
Convergence from the periphery: developments in Peruvian media industry and the effects on the production markets
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento Académico de ComunicacionesPE, 2016)