Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 185
Difficult laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation: observational study
(Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia, 2018)
Dificuldade na laringoscopia e na intubação orotraqueal: estudo observacional
Introduction: Since anesthesia complications associated with unexpected difficult airway are potentially catastrophic, they should be avoided. The modified Mallampati test and jaw‐thrust maneuver enable the identification ...
Circunferencia del cuello como predictor de vía aérea difícil en el paciente obeso sometido a anestesia general, hospitales José Carrasco Arteaga y Vicente Corral Moscoso, Cuenca 2019
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2021-03-29)
Background: the difficult airway is prevalent in obese patients, representing one of the main problems for the anesthesiologist; There are multiple methods and factors that determine that a patient will have a difficult ...
Prevalencia de la vía aérea difícil y factores asociados en pacientes con predictores de vía aérea difícil mediante intubación con fibroscopio flexible o videolaringoscopio en los hospitales Vicente Corral Moscoso y José Carrasco Arteaga. Cuenca, 2017
INTRODUCTION: The difficult airway is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in anesthesia, it can be approached by an adequate assessment of difficult airways predictors to estimate the risk and allow an intervention ...
Estado del arte de la máscara laríngea proseal
(Sociedad de Cirugía de Bogotá, Hospital de San José y Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud, 2010-12-01)
Reavaliação da via aérea do paciente obeso submetido à cirurgia bariátrica após a redução do índice de massa corpórea
Reevaluation of the Airways of Obese Patients Undergone Bariatric Surgery after Reduction in Body Mass Index. Background and objectives: Difficulty intubating is a cause of mortality in anesthesiology and it can be related ...