Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 19
O método da média para equações diferenciais não autônomas
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2010-02-23)
Based on the papers Geodesics on vibrating surfaces and curvature of the normal family, by Mark Levi and Qiran Ren, and Geometry and physics of averaging with applications, by Mark Levi, we present the averaging method. ...
Sobre a topologia no efeito Hall quântico: um passeio através da geometria diferencial e topologia
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilFísica de Materiais, 2020)
Geometría de las foliaciones lineales en C2
(Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, 2010)
In this work, we study the geometric behavior of the solutions of a bidimentional complex ordinary diferential equation. We 'prove that the geometry of the leaves depend on the position of the eigenvalues in the complex ...
Geometría de las foliaciones lineales en C2
(Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, 2010)
In this work, we study the geometric behavior of the solutions of a bidimentional complex ordinary diferential equation. We 'prove that the geometry of the leaves depend on the position of the eigenvalues in the complex ...
Geometría de las foliaciones lineales en C2
(Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, 2010)
In this work, we study the geometric behavior of the solutions of a bidimentional complex ordinary diferential equation. We 'prove that the geometry of the leaves depend on the position of the eigenvalues in the complex ...
Trayectoria de partículas cerca de un agujero negro cargado inspirado en geometría no-conmutativa
Una clase particular de soluciones a las ecuaciones de campo corresponde a los denominados agujeros negros inspirados en geométricas no-conmutativas, las cuales presentan características como la presencia de horizontes de ...