Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1058
We the People Outside of the Constitution: The Dialogic Model of Constitutionalism and the System of Checks and Balances
(Oxford University Press, 2014-08)
All over the world, constitutional theory has been experiencing developments which have been studied under the rubric of dialogic constitutionalism , dialogic justice or dialogic judicial review. These novelties seem to ...
The dialogic educational model: a contribution based on the learning communities experienceEL MODELO DIALOGICO DE LA PEDAGOGÍA: UN APORTE DESDE LAS EXPERIENCIAS DE COMUNIDADES DE APRENDIZAJE
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades., 2018)
Family Therapy: Clinical Supervision as a Sociocultural Generative Practice
The present article understands clinical supervision as a sociocultural practice that concerns the construction of meanings and relationships in the field of family therapy, by means of which learning and transformation ...
Towards a Theoretical Model of Trajectories and Transitions of Thought
This article develops a theoretical model about the trajectories and transitions of thought
from a perspective of semiotic cultural psychology. An integration between the inner
speech theory, concept formation, and ...
Self-organisation in dialogical patterns of a patient with borderline personality disorder and their therapist: A case study from nonlinear dynamics perspective
Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify self-organised dynamics in sessions with dialogical patterns (i.e. reflective interactions of self-states associated with psychological change) within long-term ...
The teaching and the learning brain: A cortical hemodynamic marker of teacher–student interactions in the Socratic dialog
(Elsevier, 2013-05)
The study aimed to step into two-person (teacher–student) educational neuroscience. We describe a physiological marker of cortical hemodynamic correlates involved in teacher–student interactions during performance of a ...
Continuing commentary: Beyond recollection: Toward a dialogical psychology of collective memory
Collective memory implies the social and psychological production of meaningful acts of
memory, a special kind of truth claim about a controversial past. Memory acts are thus
conceptualized as ideological positioning ...
O memorial de formação à luz dos parâmetros cognitivos do Modelo Cultural de D’Andrade e das ideias linguísticas do Círculo de Bakhtin
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2017)
Da jurisdição repressiva à justiça restaurativa: arriscando o (im)possível
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2013-12-13)
With the advent of the modern State, the criminal procedural system had as the main
purpose the implementation of freedom custodial sentences to the offender, due to a
behaviour that is contrary to the legal and social ...
Modelo dialógico de prevenção e resolução de conflitos: é possível utilizá-lo como superação da violência causada em trotes universitários?
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarCâmpus ArarasCiências Biológicas - CBL-Ar, 2021-06-28)
This theoretical essay aims to present the Dialogical Model of Conflict Prevention and Resolution (DPRM) as an alternative to overcome the violence that can occur in university pranks, considering the gender issue. To this ...